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Kenyan Youth Aspire for a Transformed Future

Brilliant, insightful and passionate, the Kenyan youth are eager to shape a different future from the past of broken dreams, corrupt leadership, and incompetent autocracy.  A future informed by the values of Jesus Christ and anchored in the hope that the gospel provides.
Among our speakers was Dr. Wanjiru Kamau Rutenburg,
assistant professor of political science
at the University of Southern California. 
While she was a PhD student at the University
of Minnesota a few years ago,
Sammy had the privilege to introduce
her to the gospel.  Today, she is a passionate
follower of Christ and making a difference in
hundreds of young lives in Africa. Dr. Rutenburg
has received several awards and a White House
recognition for her work in empowering young
women for better societies.
In late May and June as Kenya commemorated fifty years as an independent nation, over five hundred students, drawn from eight different Universities around Nairobi, attended our two-day leadership conference at Kenyatta University on the outskirts of Nairobi.  Combining biblical wisdom and corporate experience, our SWIM team challenged them to anchor their lives in God's Kingdom virtues. 
These High School students who prayed with
evangelist Sammy to receive Christ are just a few
of several hundreds of others that found
hope in Christ during our Nairobi Mission
During the closing session, over fifty students prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  In a message titled, "No More whining," drawn from Joshua chapter 1 verses one through ten, I challenged the students, like Joshua, to be on the watch-out on three critical battlefronts; the emotional front, the moral and ethical front, and finally the intellectual front, with God Himself as their Bedrock.   
Part of our Nairobi mission SWIM team visiting
the UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi
We concluded the mission with an evangelistic outreach to students on the University during which 296 students gave their lives to Christ.  Earlier in the week, our team had also visited several High Schools and several Nairobi prisons to share the Good News of Christ with students and inmates.  Dozens more found hope through Christ. To God be the glory!

"The right way in life is often the hard way in life.  But a hard right way is always better than the easy wrong way!"


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