My wife Suzanne and I were treated to a very elaborate reception by my family and village when we arrived in the village yesterday. It was more or less a full wedding re-enactment including the cake-cutting ceremony. There were about 400 people at the service after my family worked so hard to limit the number. They sung, danced, and celebrated our arrival. My younger brother Victor led the crowd in a beautiful worship service. The gospel was fully proclaimed and nearly 50 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ following the altar call. My dad, Justus, also shared his testimony and how God has favored him all his life. The most touching moment was when he publicly repented for having "resisted God's will for his son's life (me)" 11 years ago when I had to leave for the United States. He admitted that for selfish reasons, he resisted and sent emisaries to desuade me from following the missionary call at the time. God bless him for his humility. The other
The major cities of the United States are changing both in their belief systems and ethno-cultural makeup. How should the Good News be presented to them in order to be Good News? Besides sharing biblical inspiration plus stories of God's grace at work through our ministry in various parts of the world, I hope to address this and many other issues important to our Christian faith.