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Showing posts from March 20, 2011

Made a Liberian Chief Here in Monrovia

It is official; I am a Liberian a spiritual sense! That is what a group of Liberian pastors said as they adorned me with an official Liberian Chief outfit this morning at an impromptu church ceremony attended by about fifty Liberian pastors here in Monrovia. About 10,000 people including Liberian President and Vice President attended the First night of Liberia for Jesus Festival on Friday night. The international Committee for the End-Time Revival in Liberia are a group of evangelical and Pentecostal Churches both in Liberia and in the United States that have extended an invitation to SWIM ministries to partner with them in a nationwide evangelism, reconciliation and healing Festival in 2012 touching several cities across Liberia. During the civil war, the group was able to mobilize a nation-wide campaign called Liberia for Jesus that saw prayer rallies held across several cities as well as the gospel proclaimed simultaneously across all the provinces of Liberia in ...
"Hallo team, We are only a few hours away before the start of the All Liberia Life Festival with Franklin Graham here in Monrovia. In about six hours I need to be with the Camera crew reharsing for the broadcast. It is a full day ahead. But at this time I am feeling sick with a cold/flu, losing my voice, and abit miserable cause I can't sleep. The weather here feels suffocating in the day. I need your prayer right now. Could you take a few minutes and stand with me? There is no question that there is spiritual warfare going on. The gospel must however, go forth unhindered! Thank you! Sammy Wanyonyi

Stand with Us for Liberia this Weekend

I am currently on my way to Monrovia, Liberia accompanying Franklin Graham and the team from the Billy Graham Association and Samaritan's Purse conducting the All Liberia Life Festival this weekend. I will be serving as your broadcast host for the Festival. Pray with us for a great harvest of souls for the Kingdom. In recent months, Shine in the World International Ministries (SWIM) received and is seriously considering conducting Festivals of Hope in this West African nation in 2012. Travelling with the Billy Graham and Franklin Graham teams to the nation gives us a head start in understanding the need and preparational details. Liberia has recently gone through two civil wars that resulted in thousands of people dying, millions emotionally traumatized due to the brutal violence, whole populations displaced, thousands emigrating as refugees (more than 30,000 Liberians now live in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul alone), a devastation of Liberian economy with d...