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Showing posts from December 6, 2015

Here is to God!

One of my all-time favorite hymns is John Newton's Amazing Grace. For me, it captures the essence of our calling and life as followers of Christ. It is a calling that is gratuitous, rooted in the mystery of God's own unending love and care for us. Our current standing in relation to God is in stark contrast to the natural corruption of our being. Whereas we are currently found, we once were lost. Whereas we now abide and abound in the light, we once walked in complete darkness. Whereas we now dwell in the Truth, we once lived in untruth. And whereas we now dwell in abundant eternal life, we once dwelt in death. Jesus has made it possible for me and for countless others throughout the generations to enter once and for all into God's inner circle of privilege and salvation through faith. The world around us is in staggering mode. It has lost its center. Terrorism, political, social and religious corruption, personal disjointedness. Yet in the midst of it, there is a ...