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Showing posts from September 6, 2009

The Festival in Bujumbura ends with power.

10,000 Attend First Night of Festival in Bujumbura

The meeting area, about two acres in size, was tight and squished. Every part of it had been set up for the people to sit. 10,000 chairs total and they were all filled to capacity with some overflowing. The people of Burundi have great rhythm in their step. The place was vibrant with singing, dancing, and rejoicing. Children, adults, the elderly, they all sung and danced rhythmically. After we were introduced, Dan Dye shared his testimony of how he came to Jesus Christ. The audience connected well with him. I was then invited to bring the message of Jesus Christ. I preached from Luke 21:34-36. I felt God's Spirit moving through the word as I preached. Expectant hearts sat on the edge of their seats taking in every word. I warned them of the soon coming day o f the Lord. I exhorted them of the Lord's call to repentance. I invited them to embrace the grace of God which is available through Christ. I called upon them to reject the ways and patterns of this world. I counsele...

206 Leaders Attend Bujumbura Conference

We thank God for what He is doing here in Bujumbura. Over the last two days we have ministered to Christian leaders from across the region. On Tuesday, we had 150 leaders attend the conference at the Kings Conference center. On Wednesday, 206 attended. Some of the leaders have travelled by road for 24 hours from Goma and Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo and from Rwanda into Burundi for the conference. I am totally blown away by their faith, dedication, commitment, and desire to be part of what God is doing in this region of Africa. Initially, Burundi's President Piere Nkurunziza was invited to come and open the conference. He, however, send his minister for Good Governance Hon. Martin Nivyabandi to do so on his behalf. We are informed that the country's political parties are having tension and disagreements that could potentially turn violent and derail the recent peace accord. Consequently, the president has called for a weeklong retreat for all the politica...

Bujumbura Leadership and Governance Conference

Here, Burundi's Minister in the Office of the President for Good Governance Martin Nivyabandi speaks to leaders during one of the sessions. 206 Christian leaders from across the spectrum participated in the conference held at Kings Conference Center, Bujumbura.  Above, SWIM director Sammy Wanyonyi speaks to the leaders as Dan Dye looks on.  Below, Pastors worship in song and prayer during one of the sessions.  Next they share in a beef stew and rice lunch. Below, Ben Otube (right) from Nakuru, Kenya who served as SWIM's Conference and Festival Director/Representative embraces Pastor Manasse Mberabagabo during one of the sessions.  Next, Ben follows the conference along with other pastors.     Below, Steve Wareham and the Burundi government minister share a moment during the conference. Dan Dye makes the vision presentation from a biblical and corporate perspective Pastor Manasse Mberabagabo, who was the main host for...

In Bujumbura, a City in the Valley

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus speaks of believers being like a city on a Hill. He says, "A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." Such a city is visible from a far. That is what we are. In following Him we become contagious, combustible, dynamic, visible, and engaging to the world. Well, it is two days now since we arrived in Africa. Yesterday was quite an awesome Sunday. We joined worshippers at Christ is the Answer Ministries (CITAM), Nairobi, Kenya for the worship service. The Bishop of CITAM, Boniface Adoyo and his wife Addah and many of his pastors are wonderful friends of ours. Senior Pastor of Nairobi Pentecostal Church, Valley Road, the largest of the congregations under CITAM Kennedy Kimiywe had invited us to join them for the service. They are celebrating 50 years of ministry in the city of Nairobi. Kennedy is also accompanying us to Bujumbura as part of our speakers panel. They held one grand service at the Nyayo soccer Stadium attended by most of their 60,0...