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Showing posts from April 14, 2013

Terrorism and Hope

How sad it is that a human being would be so set on destroying others through acts of terrorism as seen at the Boston Marathon! In the midst of grief for the lives lost and those injured, we raise our eyes to Jesus Christ to pray for the United States and for our world. He is the hope of the nations! May we also reflect on the privilege, longevity/bravity, and meaning of life so as to apply our ... hearts to wisdom (Psalms 90:12). As we can all atest, the statistics on death are impressive. One out of one dies.    The irony is that the statistic, none the less, speaks of hope for the Christian. It is hopeful because it informs us that there is more to life than what we presently see. It assures us that our longing for more than this world can offer is not merely a dream. In Christ we are invited to a new life of forgiveness, newness, and new quality of relational life that will never fade nor be tarnished.  In the terror of the cross of Christ was born the seed and mystery