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Showing posts from July 8, 2012

Let Righteousness Flow Like the Ruzizi

A Rwandese Boarder Guard in Cyangugu watches as people cross back and forth between the two countries This summer, Shine in the World International Ministries (SWIM) is partnering with churches and Christian ministries in the Rwandan region of Rusizi, Western Rwanda, to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the residents of the border cities of Cyangugu and Kamembe.  Through the outreach, we expect to reach at least 90,000 people.     In 2007, we proclaimed the gospel to the community across the border in the city of Bukavu in the eastern DRC.   Now, we are joining forces with the Rwandan churches to proclaim salvation and hope through Christ to the residents of Cyangugu, directly across the border on the Rwandan side. The Ruzizi River Seperating Rwanda and DRC Amidst the chaos and trauma that have characterized this region of the world for decades, the Rusizi River, of which the region is named, flows as a constant reminder that there is hop...

Youth Declare Pietermaritzburg the “City of Good Choices”

The shoppers on Langilabele St in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, were recently presented with more choice than normal. A group of over 100 young Christians, singing and dancing, marched down the street declaring “Choose-Zikhethele – the choice is yours!” The young people, representing church youth groups from around the city, marched from Pine St, down Langibalele St, to the Church of the Vow. Dancing and singing they stopped four times at key points to pray for their city. They prayed God’s blessings on those working in education, business, provincial government, the municipality and the taxi associations. Pietermaritzburg, South Africa The march was significant in that it represented the next generation of young leaders challenging citizens to make the right choices that would determine the future of Pietermaritzburg- "the City of Choice." In between singing hymns, the young people prayed that their business and political leaders would make good choices – hone...