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Showing posts from December 22, 2019

Yes I am back to Blogging

I've been gone from blogging for several years now.  I am glad to be back.  I am looking forward to keep this blog alive and well.  So much has happened since my last blog.  In addition to the global work of evangelism, we launched a new work here in the Twin Cities.  The initiative is called Merge. More on why the name Merge later. Yes, we have been busy as ever sharing the Good News with thousands around the world. But more so, in the last two years God has shown us that the Nations are also right here in our own backyard.  Over one million first and second generation from over one hundred nations in the Twin Cities alone. Our cities are more and more global. The people speak multiple religious languages.  They carry multiple national identities.  They fall in different social and cultural groups. With such diversity of peoples at our door step we must ask the question: Is the "Great Commission" still Great? Is Jesus' command given a coup...