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Joining Jesus at the Harvest Fields of Musanze, Rwanda

A past event at Musanze Soccer Stadium that will
be the sight of the evangelistic Festival this Sunday. 
Pray for Evangelist Sammy's message to connect with
thousands that will throng the field to hear the gospel 
Jesus was pointing to the Samaritan villages and not to the Rwandan ones that dot the hillsides of the Virunga mountains, habitat to the world famous gorillas, when He said to His disciples, "Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest," (John 4:35).  There is no question, however, that had he been entering Musanze that day, He would have said exactly the same thing. Today as I hop onto the plane and head to Kigali and later snake my way up and down the land of one thousand hills to Musanze to join Jesus in the week-long intensive mission, I look forward to the people saying, "It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Savior of the world," (John 4:42)

Musanze, the tourist capital of Rwanda and administrative headquarters for Rwanda's Northern province will, this week and all through next week, have its moment with Jesus of Nazareth. 

Just like Samaria's inhabitants who thronged the well-side to hear Jesus for themselves, thousands of Musanze's inhabitants will throng into the local soccer stadium this coming Sunday, August 4th,
The pastoral planning committee for the Festival in Musanze.
gather on neighborhood hillsides, prisons, hotel conference rooms, and soccer fields all through next week, and walk the dusty paths from far and wide to the city center over the following weekend to gather around the message of the teacher from Nazareth.

Like the people of Samaria, an anticipated eighty thousand will hear and confirm for themselves that Jesus is indeed the Son of God and the Savior of the World.

Please pray with our team from Shine in the World International Ministry, our Rwanda partners Africa Evangelistic Enterprise, and the local churches of Musanze as we partner together to introduce Musanze's residents to Jesus.  Pray for me to connect with the hearts and minds as I proclaim the message of Christ to the thousands gathering this Sunday and all through next week and as we conclude the festival on Sunday August 11th. 

How to Pray

The Outreach will also have a special focus on Children. 
SWIM's associate evangelist for children Stanton Petersen
will be bringing the message to thousands of children at a
special children rally on August 10th. 
1.  Pray for responsive hearts and minds to the gospel of Jesus Christ for the thousands of Musanze residents.

2.  Pray for our team to minister effectively and be healthy all through the mission week.  For Stanton Petersen as he reaches out to thousands of kids with the message of Christ, for Shug Bury as she reaches out to prisoners bringing supplies and the message of hope through Christ, and for the city and provincial leaders that will have a chance to hear the message of hope from us.
Evangelist Sammy as he ministers this Sunday and the next in the opening and closing stadium events, for several local and international evangelists that will be preaching in neighborhoods all across Musanze and surrounding villages throughout next week, for

Throughout the week, thousands of Musanze residents will
gather in neighborhoods spanning hillsides, such as this one
at a past event, prison courtyards, market centers, and in
executive conference rooms to hear the message of Christ presented
by our team from Shine in the World, local churches, and
other international partners.
3.  Pray for our partners, the churches of Musanze and Africa Evangelistic Enterprise as they receive the thousands of new believers into their communities to effectively handle the follow-up work.
4. Pray for all the financial provisions we need to complete the work successfully.
5.  Finally, as Jesus said, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."

Your invitation

As we commence this mission to reach the villages of Rwanda with the good news of Jesus Christ this week, we invite you to partner with us financially through your generous donation to help us bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people without charge.  Each outreach we conduct costs thousands of dollars.  Your generous gift helps us rent venues, sound equipment, hire vehicles to ferry workers to various corners of the city, provide discipleship materials and bibles to those coming to faith for the first time, provide lodging to some of the pastors coming from far-away remote villages for the pastoral training, as well as pay for our own meal and hotel expenses in the course of mission as we work to fulfill our Lord's prayer to the most remote villages of our world. 

Please click here or on the donate button to the right of this webpage to go to our secure online donation site to make a one time gift to help us reach Rwanda with the Good News of Christ this week. 


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