A multitude numbering close to 80,000 thronged the rickety temporary structure covering about five football fields that hang low over their heads to protect them from the blazing heat. Many watched on the TV screens spread around the field as were millions of others in their living rooms all across India. “At least 75 percent of them are Hindus,” Pastor Clarence Muruthia, our lead host and local superintendent of the Assemblies of God churches informed us. He was not exaggerating. For India’s Christian population only comprises 2% of the national population. Scores of them bore the bindi, the traditional Hindu dot, on their foreheads, a sign that they had prayed to their Hindu gods that morning. Here, shoes off their feet, sitting close to each other, men on one side and women on the other to comply with the cultural norms, they quietly listened to the message of Christ. Somehow they felt an attraction to Jesus Chr...
The major cities of the United States are changing both in their belief systems and ethno-cultural makeup. How should the Good News be presented to them in order to be Good News? Besides sharing biblical inspiration plus stories of God's grace at work through our ministry in various parts of the world, I hope to address this and many other issues important to our Christian faith.