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Showing posts from July 28, 2013

Joining Jesus at the Harvest Fields of Musanze, Rwanda

A past event at Musanze Soccer Stadium that will be the sight of the evangelistic Festival this Sunday.  Pray for Evangelist Sammy's message to connect with thousands that will throng the field to hear the gospel  Jesus was pointing to the Samaritan villages and not to the Rwandan ones that dot the hillsides of the Virunga mountains, habitat to the world famous gorillas, when He said to His disciples, "Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest," (John 4:35).  There is no question, however, that had he been entering Musanze that day, He would have said exactly the same thing. Today as I hop onto the plane and head to Kigali and later snake my way up and down the land of one thousand hills to Musanze to join Jesus in the week-long intensive mission, I look forward to the people saying, "It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard...

Kenyan Youth Aspire for a Transformed Future

Brilliant, insightful and passionate, the Kenyan youth are eager to shape a different future from the past of broken dreams, corrupt leadership, and incompetent autocracy.  A future informed by the values of Jesus Christ and anchored in the hope that the gospel provides. Among our speakers was Dr. Wanjiru Kamau Rutenburg, assistant professor of political science at the University of Southern California.  While she was a PhD student at the University of Minnesota a few years ago, Sammy had the privilege to introduce her to the gospel.  Today, she is a passionate follower of Christ and making a difference in hundreds of young lives in Africa. Dr. Rutenburg has received several awards and a White House recognition for her work in empowering young women for better societies. In late May and June as Kenya commemorated fifty years as an independent nation, over five hundred students, drawn from eight different Universities around Nair...

Tanzania Mission Yields Great Fruit

"The Tanzania mission to Kigoma and Mwanza reflected the true move of God as hundreds received Christ and God confirmed His word by healing many physical ailments," reports Anaclet Phiri, who represented our ministry team in the East African nation in late May into early June while Sammy and others were in neighboring Kenya.                                                                    "Hundreds gathered each evening on a dusty ground outside the church building in Kidahwe, a small agricultural village of 12000 residents on the outskirts of the city of Kigoma. Several trees provided shade for many who attended from the surrounding areas. The crowd grew every night during the week-long mission. Choirs, musicians, and praise teams performed incredibly singing and dancing with all might."   ...