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Showing posts from October 10, 2010

From the Sidelines in Cape Town

Hundreds of delegates from all over the world have arrived here in Cape Town and many more are on their way for this historic congress on World Evangelization.  Pray for God's Mighty Spirit to grip all the participants to leave here with a burning fire.  Revival now!.

How About Our Generation?

View of Table Mountains  Cape Town, what a spectacular and scenic city surrounded by the majestic Table Mountains.      Monday, Moments after arriving at Cape Town Airport.  Yesterday we held one of our congress briefing sessions in a small town called Wellington, about an hours' drive from Cape Town. This happens to be the town where Andrew Murray, famous for His faith-based ministry over a hundred years ago, was based. He ran an orphanage and there were times when there was nothing for the children to eat. But as they prayed, God would miraculously touch somebody to show up with supplies for the orphans. Most significantly, His prayer birthed a revival in South Africa that spread in many directions across Africa. There are amazing tales of God's move then as the man of God spent many days in prayer for revival.  A statue of Andrew Murray outside a church in Wellington  Today, a hundred years after his death, his books on prayer are some of the mo...