In 2005, I visited several villages in Tamil Nadu devastated by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami to comfort the residents This January, in answer to a long time prayer, our SWIM ministry team has been invited by several churches in South India to conduct a Festival of Hope and pastoral/evangelism leadership conference touching several cities near Chennai, Tamil Nadu. We have been working on preparations for the festival since early this fall. With just one month to go before the outreach events, join me to pray that this effort will be fruitful beyond my expectations. In 2005, my friend and fellow evangelist Nick Hall and I knelt on the expansive Marina beach in Chennai, India, in earnest prayer. “Lord, please make it possible for us to come back here and share your gospel with the people of India,” we prayed. We dreamed of the beach being filled by thousands of Indian people listening to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Six years later, God has answered our prayer. This
The major cities of the United States are changing both in their belief systems and ethno-cultural makeup. How should the Good News be presented to them in order to be Good News? Besides sharing biblical inspiration plus stories of God's grace at work through our ministry in various parts of the world, I hope to address this and many other issues important to our Christian faith.