Preaching to residents of Adiedo village |
From the village headmen, the area chief, the inspector of police, the district commandant of police, to the District Commissioner, the highest official representing the provincial administration, the message is the same: "Thank you for bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to our community!"
The young rejoice |
The last four days we have held leadership conferences that targetted church and community leaders as well as toured various development projects that our ministry partners sponsor. The work that SWIM's partner, Spring of Hope International, has done in the community has openned the hearts and minds of the residents of this quiet village.
Hundreds respond to follow Christ |
Today we kick off the two-day evangelistic festival. I am eager to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For it is the power of God to salvation. The festival will feature local choirs, testimonies, a guest artist from Tanzania, Anastacia Mukabwa, and me preaching Christ.
Hundreds listen to the gospel |
Pray for a mighty outpouring of the Spirit of God for the salvation of thousands. Already, 61 people have come to Christ through the leadership conference. We can't wait to see the fullness of what Christ will do as we preach the Gospel.
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