From my family to yours, Happy New Year, 2012!
As I am sitted in my home office reflecting on the past year, one thing that stands out for me is the generosity of God.
Yes, the Prophet Jonah was right in his (absurd) lament: "Ah, LORD, was not this what I said when I was still in my country?...for I knew that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm."
Like Jonah, I am totally blown away by the generosity of God. But unlike him, I am elated that God is a generous God. Jonah forgot that he, like the Ninevites, was a benefactor of God's abundant mercy.
I am grateful for the things which Christ has done in my life and in the lives of thousands of others around the world as we reached out to proclaim His love, grace and mercy. I am grateful for the hundreds of our partners that participated with us to make it a reality. Here is what we accomplished in 2011:
Ministered to an estimated 120,000 people world-wide our ministry spanning three continents: North America, Africa and Asia.
12,048 people made first-time commitments to Christ
Over 20,000 people rededicated their lives to Christ
More than 1000 leaders went through our Schools of ministry leadership
Hundreds of local congregations were encouraged and strengthened in their pursuit and service to the Kingdom of God.
About $ 200,000 was raised by both our local and international partners in support of our ministry efforts.
Thus, 2011 goes down in our ministry’s short history as one of the most productive years in terms of outcomes, response, and partnerships. Glory to God!
2012 is already shaping up to be a landmark year. With the festival in India expected to reach 80,000 people just three weeks away and preparations underway in five other countries, we anticipate our reach will exceed any other year so far.
Please pray with our team as we launch out in faith and confidence. Pray for amazing provisions beyond our wildest dreams. Pray for me as I travel and proclaim Christ to be full of the Holy Spirit. Pray for my wife Suzanne and our kids Jr. and Shiloh to experience God's care and provisions all throughout this new year. Pray with our Leadership Board as they help us discern the Lord's leading.
May 2012 be a year of great blessing to you and your loved ones as you serve Christ.
As I am sitted in my home office reflecting on the past year, one thing that stands out for me is the generosity of God.
Yes, the Prophet Jonah was right in his (absurd) lament: "Ah, LORD, was not this what I said when I was still in my country?...for I knew that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm."
Like Jonah, I am totally blown away by the generosity of God. But unlike him, I am elated that God is a generous God. Jonah forgot that he, like the Ninevites, was a benefactor of God's abundant mercy.
I am grateful for the things which Christ has done in my life and in the lives of thousands of others around the world as we reached out to proclaim His love, grace and mercy. I am grateful for the hundreds of our partners that participated with us to make it a reality. Here is what we accomplished in 2011:
Ministered to an estimated 120,000 people world-wide our ministry spanning three continents: North America, Africa and Asia.
12,048 people made first-time commitments to Christ
Over 20,000 people rededicated their lives to Christ
More than 1000 leaders went through our Schools of ministry leadership
Hundreds of local congregations were encouraged and strengthened in their pursuit and service to the Kingdom of God.
About $ 200,000 was raised by both our local and international partners in support of our ministry efforts.
Thus, 2011 goes down in our ministry’s short history as one of the most productive years in terms of outcomes, response, and partnerships. Glory to God!
2012 is already shaping up to be a landmark year. With the festival in India expected to reach 80,000 people just three weeks away and preparations underway in five other countries, we anticipate our reach will exceed any other year so far.
Please pray with our team as we launch out in faith and confidence. Pray for amazing provisions beyond our wildest dreams. Pray for me as I travel and proclaim Christ to be full of the Holy Spirit. Pray for my wife Suzanne and our kids Jr. and Shiloh to experience God's care and provisions all throughout this new year. Pray with our Leadership Board as they help us discern the Lord's leading.
May 2012 be a year of great blessing to you and your loved ones as you serve Christ.
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