On the Galilean mountain near Jerusalem, Jesus commissioned His 11 disciples to go and make disciples of all the nations of the earth (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:1-14). Their commissioning was both specific and representative. Specific in the sense that it applied to them in their time and generation.
Following Jesus' ascention and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit of promise, they were to go forth in power, proclaiming the advent of the Kingdom of God to all nations. They were to speak of the things that they had seen with their eyes, heard with their ears, and handled with their hands as they walked with Jesus (1 John 1:1-4). They would provide a firsthand account of the life, death, resurrection, ascention and soon return of the King of Kings and LORD of Lords.
Today, that commission stands just as true, forceful, and urgent for followers of Jesus Christ. It is not an isolated or selective call. It is not even optional. It is forceful and comprehensive. All who claim Christ as their Lord must listen to and obey His command to go and make disciples of all nations. We all, must go forth in the power and dominion of the Holy Spirit. We too must work the works of God in demonstration of His power.
It is urgent that we do so given the incredible unbelief that characterizes our generation. Ours is a generation marked by idolatry, unbelief, immorality and deception of unequaled propotions. Unless the gospel of Christ is proclaimed and embraced, we will all likewise perish.
How that obedience looks for one follower of Christ may not be the same for the next. But the end result is always the same...new disciples for Jesus Christ.
In less than 48 hours, with a team of seven others we will be sitting on a plane and flying some 12000 miles to share this same Good News of the Kingdom with thousands of people at the heart of Africa, in Rubavu Rwanda. This is how I have been called and equipped to make disciples for Christ. I have been called and equipped to tell it on the mountaintops that Jesus Christ is Lord and to call everyone to belief. Will you stand with us and pray for our team? Perhaps this is how Christ has wired you in your journey of obedience...to intercede. We need your obedience.
With a short time left before we depart, we still have an $ 8000 need to help us complete the mission successfully. Will you pray with me that full provision will be realized over the next few hours?
Following Jesus' ascention and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit of promise, they were to go forth in power, proclaiming the advent of the Kingdom of God to all nations. They were to speak of the things that they had seen with their eyes, heard with their ears, and handled with their hands as they walked with Jesus (1 John 1:1-4). They would provide a firsthand account of the life, death, resurrection, ascention and soon return of the King of Kings and LORD of Lords.
Today, that commission stands just as true, forceful, and urgent for followers of Jesus Christ. It is not an isolated or selective call. It is not even optional. It is forceful and comprehensive. All who claim Christ as their Lord must listen to and obey His command to go and make disciples of all nations. We all, must go forth in the power and dominion of the Holy Spirit. We too must work the works of God in demonstration of His power.
It is urgent that we do so given the incredible unbelief that characterizes our generation. Ours is a generation marked by idolatry, unbelief, immorality and deception of unequaled propotions. Unless the gospel of Christ is proclaimed and embraced, we will all likewise perish.
How that obedience looks for one follower of Christ may not be the same for the next. But the end result is always the same...new disciples for Jesus Christ.
In less than 48 hours, with a team of seven others we will be sitting on a plane and flying some 12000 miles to share this same Good News of the Kingdom with thousands of people at the heart of Africa, in Rubavu Rwanda. This is how I have been called and equipped to make disciples for Christ. I have been called and equipped to tell it on the mountaintops that Jesus Christ is Lord and to call everyone to belief. Will you stand with us and pray for our team? Perhaps this is how Christ has wired you in your journey of obedience...to intercede. We need your obedience.
With a short time left before we depart, we still have an $ 8000 need to help us complete the mission successfully. Will you pray with me that full provision will be realized over the next few hours?
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