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Help SWIM Ministry Through A Generous End-Year Gift Reach More People in 2011

Dear SWIM Partner,

2010 has been an incredible year as we have followed Christ to bring hope through evangelism and Leadership training to thousands of people locally and internationally.

Minnesota 2010
 Earlier in the year, we hosted the Evening of Hope in Brooklyn Center, a Suburb of Minneapolis, MN as part of our local outreach. We ministered to 560 young people, 93 of them inquiring about Christ for the first time.

Additionally, each week Suzanne and I have travelled to minister, encourage, and equip believers in dozens of local churches around the country.  Our ministry took us to more than 20 congregations around the United States.

Rwanda 2010

Our overseas missions saw us work alongside churches in the countries of Rwanda, Kenya, and Malawi with a cumulative attendance at the outreach events of 80,000 people. As we proclaimed the gospel of Christ, an estimated 20,000 people made commitments to Christ throughout our mission.

Malawi 2010

We give God the glory for this great favor and blessing we have enjoyed as a ministry.  We pray daily that the many people who have been reached through these efforts will continue to stand and to grow in their love for Jesus Christ.  Will you pray with us too?

As the year draws to a close, we are eager to continue to serve the church locally and world-wide in 2011. We currently have over sixty invitations from churches in several countries pleading if we would partner with them to bring the evangelistic ministry and message of hope to their communities. We would love to respond affirmatively to each one of them. But as you and I know, the cost of such ministry is always significant. We need you to help us to at least respond to a few. 

Kenya 2010

Would you consider an end-of-year tax-free financial gift to SWIM Ministries this Christmas season to help us cover outstanding overhead ministry expenses for 2010 as well as launch into 2011 on a positive note? As God speaks to your heart, give generously. Thank you for your love for Christ, partnership with us in ministry, and confidence in service to Christ.  Donate by following this link

We wish you a very Merry Christmas!
Serving together by His Power and for His glory,

Rev. Sammy Wanyonyi


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