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Eleven Days and Counting to Africa Missionary Tour

A female leader in Malawi bows in deep gratitude after receiving a Bible during one of past Seminars as Sammy, caught off guard, looks on in embarrasment.  Your financial gifts go a long way in helping us meet the needs of Christian leaders in Africa. 
After a busy summer of ministry in and around Minnesota, we are poised to head to Africa for another three months of Kingdom exploits.  We have only eleven days left before the start of our Africa missionary tour. This mission will take us to the countries of Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi and eventually culminate with our participation at the Lausanne world congress in Cape Town, South Africa in the month of October. God is moving and we are keen to follow Him as He leads us to proclaim His Kingdom's message of hope to the people of Rwanda, Malawi, Kenya as well as encourage His church world-wide during the global gathering of Christian leaders from around the world in Cape Town.

In Kenya, SWIM ministries is partnering with residents of Eluuya village near Kitale town in the construction of their worship facility. We are also engaged with a hospital project in Kitale town. Our team will be touring both of these projects and ministering to the local residents on August 16th and 17th as well as minister to roughly 2000-3000 believers gathered for prayer in Kenya's capital Nairobi at NPC, Valley Road on August 17th evening.

In Rwanda, our team is partnering with the local churches to conduct week-long evangelistic campaigns in the city of Butare starting August 20-29 with an expected potential reach of 75,000 people. We will hold three days of large gatherings in the local stadium where we will proclaim the gospel, reach out to one of Rwanda's largest prison facilities where many of the genocide prisoners are held, speak to students at a special forum held at the National University of Rwanda, minister to national leaders at a special prayer breakfast hosted by the Association of Rwanda evangelical churches, conduct a two-day leadership Seminar for Christian pastors and leaders, as well as minister to individual congregations.

Malawi Pastors Celebrate after they received Bibles at one of  our past seminars in the country.  We are looking forward to partner with several hundred churches in Malawi's Capital, Lilongwe to help them reach their communities for Jesus later this month of August into September.
Following Rwanda, I will be proceeding to the country of Malawi where I will be joined by my friend Nick Hall of Pulse Outreach for another week-long evangelistic campaign similar to the one in Rwanda. The Malawi mission starts August 31-September 9 in the Capital city Lilongwe. In partnership with the local churches, we will be reaching out to Lilongwe's poorest neighborhood of Area 25. We will hold four days of large gatherings in local sports grounds, speak to students in schools and colleges, show the Jesus film at various centers, as well as conduct a leadership conference for pastors and Christian leaders.

At the end of our time in Malawi, I will return to Kenya where besides continuing with several ministry initiatives, I will be joined by my wife Suzanne, baby Samuel and my wife's sister Micah for two more weeks of research and writing for my doctoral work as well as visit with family and friends before proceeding to South Africa for the conference.
Please be in prayer with us throughout this missionary tour across several countries.  Pray for safety, for provisions for our team, as well as for a deep and lasting impact from our ministry initiatives.

A need you can help meet:
This missionary initiative is costing us a significant amount of funds.  As at this point with eleven days left to go, we are $11,800 dollars short of our intended goal.  Would you prayerfully consider a gift to help us meet our travel and ministry expenses?  You can donate $ 20, $ 50, $ 100 or however much you can afford which will go a long way to help us and the local churches in these countries fulfill the mission.  Please come back and follow us on this blog as we share the stories of what God is doing.
Gary and Candy Kellen from Grace Community Church, Worthington, MN will be accompanying us to Kenya and Rwanda next week. 


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