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One Week to Accelerate Conference and Evening of Hope

We are only a week away from the Accelerate conference and Evening of Hope outreach. Now is the time to firm up your plans and to get ready to be blessed through the ministry of God's servants whom He is preparing.

Accelerate conference kicks off on Friday March 19th at 10:00 AM and continues till 4:30 PM. Our speakers on Friday include Scott McNair, President of Shwans Food Company as well as Nick Hall, youth speaker for Billy Graham Association and Founder of Pulse Outreach. I am looking forward to welcoming you to the conference and to sharing with you what God has laid on our hearts.

In the evening of March 19th, we are conducting the Evening of Hope outreach as part of Accelerate. We have a great line-up of music artists who include Superchick, John Reuben (Right), Bread of Stone and Manic Drive as well as great messages of hope from your evangelistic speakers.

On Saturday March 20th, the conference continues from 10:00 AM till 4:30 PM. Joel Johnson, Senior Pastor of Westwood Community Church and professor of transformational leadership at Bethel University will be our morning speaker. We will be concluding the conference on Saturday afternoon with a celebration service and a powerful time of one on one prayer and commissioning as we go forth to serve our Lord.

Please see our conference website: for more details on registration. Remember that the conference fee is $ 80 which includes lunch for both days. The Evening of Hope outreach concert is free admission for the first 900 people. Please spread the word and plan to attend.

Serving in His Power and for His Glory,


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